
Honey in the Dark

new book of poems by
Lee Colin Thomas

Going Somewhere

stars fastened but fading


by providence of physics, and the trajectories of luck

Indiana Corn

sun collapsed across stalks grown
elbow-high and better

Here and Hiding

In between these layers must exist
finer folds and pockets

Landing at Night

we are well-behaved, we are good

View of the Fairway

shadowy shapes of trees on sable grasses

Business Trip

the keycard slips into the lock, a neat kiss


it was never like that between us

“I can smell it on you.”

The chemistry of chlorine
and ceramic shower tile.

Given Honey in the Dark

The deck out back kneels low in the grass.


We are in our thirties
and pausing to eat


Synchronous whistles
at the three o’clock break.

When it’s My Turn at the Counter

The barista tells me, Have a nice day.